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Photon Burst Analyzer Software Development


Download latest executable  (3-17-09)

Download latest source files  (3-17-09)

Revision Log:

3-17-09 - Burst.h: The PHOTON_STREAM struct now has a 256-length char array for the data's full-path filename.

3-17-09 - Burst.h: GetOpenFile() function prototype now has a PHOTON_STREAM struct pointer as a parameter.

3-17-09 - BurstIO.c: In OpenDataFile() func, the PHOTON_STREAM struct pointer is now passed to the GetOpenFile()function call.

3-17-09 - BurstIO.c: In OpenDataFile() func, the PHOTON_STREAM struct's full-path filename is now copied to the local variable 'szFilename'

3-17-09 - BurstIO.c: Function GetOpenFile() now has a PHOTON_STREAM struct pointer as a function parameter.

3-17-09 - BurstIO.c: In GetOpenFile() func, both the base filename and full-path filename are now extracted and stored in the PHOTON_STREAM struct.

3-17-09 - BurstFCS.c: In AutocorrelateSegments() func, the PHOTON_STREAM struct's current full-path filename is now copied to local variable 'szBuf'.

3-17-09 - BurstFCS.c: In AutoCorrelate() func, the PHOTON_STREAM struct's current full-path filename is now copied to the AUTOCORRELATION struct's 'szFilename' variable.

3-17-09 - BurstFCS.c: In AutoCorrelate() func, PHOTON_STREAM struct's current full-path filename is now copied to local variable 'szBuf'.

3-17-09 - BurstFCS.c: In CrossCorrelate() func, PHOTON_STREAM struct's current full-path filename is now copied to AUTOCORRELATION struct's 'szFilename' variable.

3-17-09 - BurstFCS.c: In CrossCorrelate() func, PHOTON_STREAM struct's current full-path filename is now copied to local variable 'szBuf'.

3-17-09 - BurstCorCom.c: In LoadCorrComFile() func, the incoming variable 'szFilename', which is now the full-path filename, is no longer copied to the PHOTON_STREAM struct's current base filename.

3-17-09 - BurstPHCFile.c: In LoadPHCFile() func, the incoming variable 'szFilename', which is now the full-path filename, is no longer copied to the PHOTON_STREAM struct's current base filename.

2-06-09 - BurstCalc.c: Estimate background function was causing run-time issue. Initialized local variable 'index' to zero as a fix.





- Biomedical Engineering
- Field of Biophysics
- Applied & Eng. Physics
- College of Engineering
- Cornell University